CODEX The story of the Commander
Autor: Roxana Chirilă
Beletristică Limbi Straine Literatură Universală
ISBN: 978-630-6633-13-5
Categoria :
Autor(i) : Roxana Chirilă
Editura : Ink Story
Format ( wxh ) : 130x200
Tip de Hartie : 70g volumic
Hard Cover / Soft Cover : 300g
Anul Aparitiei :
Nr. Pagini : 332
Colectie :
For centuries, people have questioned what happens after death. Is there truly a Hell, a Purgatory, or a Heaven? As a child, Zoe Lestrade glimpsed the truth. When she closed her eyes and reopened them, the
world had changed — colorless, lifeless, haunted. Now an adult, Zoe must navigate a treacherous reality where both demons and humans threaten her sanity. The line between life and death blurs as she battles forces beyond her control.
- Roxana Chirilă - Ink Story -
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