The scent of summer

Autor: Ioana Cornila





ISBN: 978-606-9715-15-4

In the heart of August, before leaving his childhood home behind and setting off on this journey, Noya fills his lungs with the scent of summer one more time, an aroma deeply ingrained into the fabric of his destiny. Crafted by the clumsy love he encounters along his way, the wings of wax now metastasized to his back slowly learn the art of flying. Thus, they head towards the sun,...
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Categoria :

Autor(i) : Ioana Cornila

Editura : Ambra

Format ( wxh ) : 130x200

Tip de Hartie : 70g volumică

Hard Cover / Soft Cover : 300g

Anul Aparitiei :2023

Nr. Pagini : 456

Colectie :

In the heart of August, before leaving his childhood home behind and setting off on this journey, Noya fills his lungs with the scent of summer one more time, an aroma deeply ingrained into the fabric of his destiny. Crafted by the clumsy love he encounters along his way, the wings of wax now metastasized to his back slowly learn the art of flying. Thus, they head towards the sun, a symbol not of imminent peril, but of happiness and worth – one he can only ever touch by disregarding the haunting lessons from his father.

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